Monday, November 8, 2010


Following a discussion with a couple of friends last night, I've decided it's time to purge some stuff from my house.  Normally, I would be more of the your-stuff-is-shit-but-my-shit-is-stuff philosophy (see Carlin video below).  But lately I've been thinking my stuff is shit, too.  

I'm on stuff overload.  So I posed to my friends that we do a daily, or at least weekly, update amongst ourselves to motivate and challenge each other.  Maybe set 15 minutes per day as our cleaning/purging goal.  And now I've decided to blog about it.  At least for today.  We'll see if I can keep it up.  If I have to sacrifice the blogging time in order to fulfill the purging/cleaning time, so be it.

Here's what I'm going to do tonight:
1. Get a big box and sit it in the hallway outside my bedroom.
2. Cull at least 5 items from my bedroom (closet, nightstand, jewelry box, etc).
3. Wish the big oafish dog would fit in the box.
4. Change my HVAC filter.

1. Brag about it, or lament laziness/inability to find 15 minutes.  Try to be honest.
2. Set new goal.

Want to join us?  The more people to motivate/guilt, the better!

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