Thursday, February 18, 2010

Making kimchi: Part Two

February 15th - While off work on my snow morning, I finished the kimchi.  At least to the point of letting it sit and ferment more.

To the brined cabbage, I added fresh ginger, garlic and scallions, the Korean red pepper, salt and sugar.

Here's the first jar, filled and capped with a bag of brine.

I filled one quart and one pint with the original kimchi mixture.  To the rest, I added 1 teaspoon of the dried anchovy mix seen in the photo above.  I've eaten kimchi both ways, so I wanted to try making it both ways.  The finished count was 3 quarts total.


Pretty, isn't it?  Now I just have to wait 3 to 6 days, depending on how sour I want the taste.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow lisa. you're more korean than i am. you go girl!! it looks delicious!!! leave the windows open when it ferments..
